View Screen 7
∙Record Mode: No Overwrite, Write Once, or Continuous.
∙Indicate Detection: On or Off.
∙Global Buzzer: On or Off.
∙Live Alarm Buzzer: On or Off.
∙Video Loss Buzzer: On or Off.
∙Playback Buzzer: On or Off.
∙Relay 1: Normally Open or Normally Closed.
∙Relay 2: Normally Open or Normally Closed.
∙Alarm Latch: T = Transparent, L = Latched, TO (020) = Timed Out (Time)
∙Alarm Record Mode: Interleaved, Exclusive, or No Change.
∙Full Screen Alarm: Yes or No. This feature is not selectable on the
∙Global Alarm Record Rate: In pictures per second (pps). 30 pps
∙Pre Alarm Duration: In seconds. 001
∙Archive Alarm: Enable or Disable.
View Screen 8
∙Auto Disable: On or Off.
∙Background Archive: On or Off.
∙Monitor Setup: Single or Dual.
∙Baud Rate Port 1: 1200,1400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, and 57600.
∙Baud Rate Port 2: 1200,1400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, and 57600.
∙Network Address: 001-005. 001
∙Ethernet: Enable or Disable.
∙POTS: Enable or Disable.
∙Language: English, German, or French.
∙Keyboard Lock: On or Off.
∙Record Lock: On or Off.
∙Regional Settings: Off, USA, EUR, and AUS.
∙Time Zone: GMT+00:00
∙QuickWave CD Write: On or Off.
View Screen 9
∙NTP Update Interval: Enable or Disable.
∙NTP Primary Server: 3. 37. 8. 26
∙NTP Backup Server: 0. 0. 0. 0
∙Subnet Mask: 255.255.254. 0
∙Gateway: 3. 18.172. 1
∙DHCP: Enable or Disable.
∙Name Service: WINS or Disable.
∙Primary Name Server: 3. 18.173. 12
∙Backup Name Server: 3. 18.173. 13
∙Print Server: 3. 18.173. 11
∙TCP MTU Size: Standard, 1200, and 1400.
64 | Kalatel DVMRe Triplex |