:: DVD Recording FAQ
Before you start using the R6530, please take a few moments to review these Frequently Asked Questions. They will help you become acquainted with the technology and the capabilities of the DVD Recorder:
What can I record with my DVD recorder? | Where do I purchase discs? Are they expensive? |
R6530 DVD Recorder
You can record programs directly from television (from your antenna, basic cable, cable box or satellite receiver) and from vir- tually any external audio/video source, including camcorders, VCRs, DVD players and more. This unit will not copy Macrovi- sion encoded or other copy protected material.
What kind of discs should I use?
You can only record on DVD+R and DVD+RW discs. DVD+R/ +RW is the most compatible recordable DVD format on the mar- ket today. They are fully compatible with over 95% of existing
What is the capacity of a DVD+R and DVD+RW disc?
4.7GB, or the equivalent of roughly 6 CDs. You can record about one hour at the highest quality (HQ) and about six hours at the lowest quality (SLP) on a single disc.
What is the difference between DVD+R and DVD+RW?
DVD+R is “recordable” and DVD+RW is “rewritable”. With a DVD+R you can record multiple sessions on the same disc, but when the disc is full, you cannot record any more on the disc. The DVD+RW format allows you to record over the same disc literally hundreds of times.
What is
How do I know how much space is left on my disc for recording?
Load the disc and press Disc Menu to see the percentage of recording time remaining on your disc.
Blank DVD+R and DVD+RW discs are available at most elec- tronics and office supply stores. Prices vary but DVD+Rs can gen- erally be purchased in bulk for less than $1 each.
What format is the DVD recording saved in?
The actual video files are saved in
Can I record in "real time"? Is there a recording buffer?
Yes, you can record from TV or from external video sources to the DVD recorder in real time.
Do I need to format a disc in order to record?
If a disc needs to be formatted, the DVD recorder will do it for you automatically when you load the disc. This takes about a minute and does not require any action on your part.
What are Titles and Chapters?
A DVD disc contains Titles and Chapters, which are similar to the Titles and Chapters of a book. A Title is often a complete movie and is broken down into Chapters, or individual scenes from the movie. If a disc contains multiple Titles, they can be accessed by pressing the Title button. To view the contents of a particular Title, press the Disc Menu button.
How do I set up Titles and Chapters?
The DVD Recorder automatically creates a new Title every time you start a new recording. You can then add Chapters to these recordings manually or have them automatically inserted at 5- minute intervals.
What does "finalizing" a disc do?
Finalizing a disc locks the discs so it can no longer be recorded. It will then be compatible with virtually any DVD player. To close a disc without finalizing it, simply stop recording and eject the disc. You will still be able to record on the disc if there is room for more recordings.