R6530 DVD Recorder
Use the / buttons to select Tracks for your playlist, pressing Play /Enter after each.
Use the / buttons to move the cursor to Play and press Play /Ent er.
To clear your playlist, stop playback and press Program again.
Use the / buttons to move the cursor to Clear All and press Play /Enter.
:: MP3 Playback
To play MP3 files burned onto a CD-R or CD-RW disc:
1Press Open/Close on the remote control or front panel to open the disc drawer.
2Place the MP3 CD in the drawer with the label side facing up and playback side facing
3Press Open/Close again to close the disc drawer.
4The MP3 Track List menu appears and the first Track on the MP3 CD begins playing.
To ensure proper playback, make sure the MP3 files have been recorded at a bit rate of
at least 128 kbps.
If there are any gaps (blank data) on multi-session discs, you may experience playback
5Use the / buttons to select any individual Track, and press Play /Enter.
6To browse to the next or previous page use the / buttons.
7Other options during MP3 playback:
Press Volume +/- to adjust the playback volume.
Press Pause/Step to freeze playback.
Press Play /Enter to resume normal playback.
•Press Next
or Prev to skip to the next or previous Track.
Press Fwd to scan forward at 2x normal speed.
Press Stop to stop playback.
8To create a custom playlist, stop playback and press Program.
The screen changes to MP3 Playlist.
Use the / buttons to select Tracks for your playlist, pressing Play /Enter after each.
Use the / buttons to move the cursor to Play and press Play /Ent er.
To clear your playlist, stop playback and press Program again.
Use the / buttons to move the cursor to Clear All and press Play /Enter.
MP3 Playback Screen