2.Caller A then dials Caller C’s number followed by # (or wait for 4 seconds).
3.If Caller C answers the call, Caller A and Caller C are in conversation. Then A can hang up to complete transfer.
4.If Caller C does not answer the call, Caller A can press “flash” to resume call with Caller B.
NOTE: When Attended Transfer fails and A hangs up, the GXW40XX will ring back user A to remind A that B is still on the call. A can pick up the phone to resume conversation with B.
The GXW40XX supports Bellcore style
Instructions for 3-way conference:
Assuming that call party A and B are in conversation. A (GXW40XX) wants to bring C in a conference:
1.A presses FLASH (on the analog phone, or Hook Flash for old model phones) to get a dial tone.
2.A dials C’s number then # (or wait for 4 seconds).
3.If C answers the call, then A presses FLASH to bring B, C in the conference.
4.If C does not answer the call, A can press FLASH back to talk to B.
5.If A presses FLASH during conference, C will be dropped out.
6.If A hangs up, the conference will be terminated for all three parties when configuration “Transfer on Conference Hangup” is set to “No”. If the configuration is set to “Yes”, A will transfer B to C so that B and C can continue the conversation.
This feature allows the user to setup a single SIP account on the gateway and have the ability to use all FXS ports to make/receive calls. Using this feature, all ports active in same Hunting Group will have the same phone number and incoming calls will be distributed in a round robin manner among the ports active in that Hunting Group. The number of hunting groups is limited by the number of ports each GXW model has - i.e. each port can be its own Hunting Group. The most practical and efficient way to use Hunting Groups is to assign 2 or 3 ports to separate Hunting Groups.
One additional and popular way to use the Hunting Group feature is called “multiplexed analog lines”. In this configuration, a legacy PBX system with 8 FXO trunks can be connected to 8 GXW 4008 ports configured as a Hunting Group. The GXW can be registered to a SIP server provider using only one phone number. If the SIP service provider allows multiple calls to the same number, the GXW will allow 8 concurrent calls to the same SIP number. All office members can be reached remotely using the same phone number in a
Example Configuration of a typical Hunting Group:
1.Configure the SIP account from your VoIP Service Provider on FXS port 1 under FXS Ports webpage.
2.Select Active under the Hunting Group drop box for FXS port 1.
3.For the remaining ports (say 2, 3 and 4) select 1 for Hunting Group. Ports 2, 3 and 4 are now active members of the hunting group associated with port 1.
This configuration will route all calls directed to FXS port 1 to ports 2, 3 and/or 4 in round robin fashion respectively if port 1 is busy or times out. You can configure the ring timeout on the Profile page.
Example configuration of a multiple Hunting Group:
Grandstream Networks, Inc. | GXW40XX User Manual | Page 14 of 38 |
| Firmware | Last Updated: 06/2011 |