Generate demand and support sales
Marketing Toolkit
Many of HP’s valuable and effective marketing and sales support tools for partners are located in the Marketing Toolkit section on the HP Partner Portal. Organized into five sections, the Marketing Toolkit is designed to help complement and accelerate your sales process. (www.hp.com/partners/us/toolkit).
Develop a plan
Create an action plan for getting new business.
The information and tools in this section will help you develop a strategy and a detailed execution plan to achieve your goals.
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CWha[j:[l[befc[dj<kdZiÄ[dWXb[[b_]_Xb[FWhjd[hi to plan, manage and report results from marketing development funds provided by HP
HP enterprise
Generate awareness
Creating awareness of your company’s value proposition delivered through HP products and solutions is key to increasing your sales. Ensure that HP is “top of mind” with your customers and important prospects with these resources and tools.
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>Fbe]e"_di_]d_WWdZXhWdZijWdZWhZiÄ]k_Z[b_d[i" insignias, and logos for acknowledging your relationship with HP
>FiWb[iWdZi[hl_Y[beYWjeh#Ä^[bfi[dZ#ki[h customers find local HP authorized sales and/or service partners
Be]emehaiÄ^[bfioekhXki_d[ii][jijWhj[Zm_j^be]e" stationery, and website design services
Create demand
=[d[hWj_d]gkWb_Ò[Zb[WZi_iYh_j_YWbjeÒdZ_d]d[m customers. Create new sales opportunities with easy,
9WcfW_]d9[djhWbÄbWkdY^WYkijec_p[ZZ_h[YjcW_b" email and telemarketing campaign in just minutes and reach your targeted number of customers or prospects
>F_cW][WdZl_Z[eb_XhWhoÄf_Yjkh[iWdZl_Z[eie\ HP products and solutions for use in your marketing and sales efforts
>Fb_j[hWjkh[ÄehZ[h\h[[>Fb_j[hWjkh[\hecekhlWij online catalog
CWha[j_d]I[hl_Y[iH[iekhY[iÄWYY[iijecWha[j_d] services provided by HP’s distributors
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Close the deal
Fh[fWh[jeÆcWa[j^[iWb[$Ç<_dZ[l[hoj^_d]oekd[[Zje propose and position HP products and solutions to meet your customers’ needs.
:[cedijhWj_ed;gk_fc[djÄe\\[hifkhY^Wi[WdZ leasing options on HP products for training and demonstration centers, and proof of concept testing
<_dWdY_WbI[hl_Y[i\ehfWhjd[hiÄÒdWdY_Wbjeebije^[bf you close larger and more profitable transactions
FhefeiWb8k_bZ[hÄgk_YaboWdZ[\ÒY_[djbo][d[hWj[ professional, customized proposals
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IjWdZWhZFh_Y_d]L_[m[hÄi_d]b[iekhY[\ehfh_Y_d] data and inventory availability from a variety of HP distributors
Sell even more
Your greatest selling opportunity is to your existing customers. Maximize customer revenue and loyalty using these tools and resources.
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>FJejWb9Wh[FWhjd[hH[iekhY[9[dj[hÄ][jj^[ceij from HP technology through support delivered by HP and HP Partners
HP Programs