Watching TV Programs (continued)
Swap function enables quick swap to the lastwatched program .
Program swap and auto scan functions
VO L- | M ENU | VO L+ |
Program swap
1.Suppose the channelnum ber you used justnow is 8 and the channelnum beryou are using is 18 (as shown in the figure).
2.Ifyou wantto return to the lastwatched program channel 8,you can sim ply press the SW AP button.
3.Ifyou wantto return to channel18,press the button again.Through this function, you can easily change between the channelyou are using and the channelyou used lasttim e.
Auto program scan
1.Press the SCAN button to scan through allthe m em orized TV channels.
2.W hen itis the program that you desired,and press the M ENU button to confirm .