Trouble shooting
To assistin location possible faults use help guide below .
| |||||||||||||||||
| SO UND | CHECKING | ||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||
| The aerialdirection and connection |
| |
Pi | cture with snow |
| Noise |
| ||||||||
| This is called ghosting w hich can be m inim ized w ith |
| an outside aerial,and good qualitycable and |
| term inations. Altering the aerialdirection can also |
Double orTriple Im age |
| Norm al | m inim ize this effect. | ||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||
| Electricalinterference w hich can be caused by cars, |
| m otorbikes etc,Fluorescentlam ps and dirty |
| insulators on overhead pow ercables. |
| Noise |
| Disturb |
| ||||||||
| Volum e Sound m ute |
| No sound |
| ||||
| Norm al |
| |||||||||
| Ensure thatthe pow ersupply isconnected to |
| the TV setand turned on.Also ensure thatthe |
| brightness and contrastare notturned dow n. |
| |||
| No Picture |
| No sound |
| |||||||||
| Adjustcolourcontrol |
| No |
| e |
| ||||||
| No colour | rm alvolum |
| |||||||||||
| Adjustchannelagain |
| |||||||
| Scram ble |
| N orm | alorW eak Volum | e |
| ||||||
| C olourPurity faultw hich can be caused by m oving the |
| TV set,placing m agnets nearthe TV screen orturning |
| on/offhouse holdappliances such asvacuum cleaners |
| nearthe TV set.Turn the TV ofw ith the m ains pow er |
| ColourSpot | Norm alvolum e |
| sw itch for15 m inutes.W hen the pow eris turn on again | ||||||||||
| the TV setw illautom atically degaussthe picture.In |
| servercases leave the TV setturned offovernight. |
N ote:
1.Ifthe faultcan notbe repaired using the above guide consultwith yourlocalauthorized service center.
2.The cabinetm ay produce the occasional"snapping sound"This is norm aland caused by the m aterials in the cabinetexpanding with room tem perature changes.