Making Configuration Adjustments
* * M A S T E R M E N U * *
→ I N / O U T S E T U P A U D I O A D J U S T
S U R R O U N D S E T U P E Z S E T / E Q
M U L T I - R O O M A D V A N C E D
Figure 1
Setting the System Configuration Memory
The AVR 445 features an advanced memory system that enables you to establish different configurations for the component video assignment, digital input and surround mode and other settings for each input source. This flexibility enables you to customize the way in which you listen to each source and have the AVR 445 memorize those settings. Once these set- tings are made, they will automatically be recalled whenever you select that input.
To simplify initial configuration and operation, the AVR 445 has been preconfigured with input settings that are typical for home theater systems. These set- tings are detailed in the worksheets in the Appendix. Before adjusting the input settings, it is a good idea to compare your input connections to the defaults so that you may see where changes need to be made.
Before using the unit, you may want to change the settings for some inputs so that they are properly configured to reflect the use of digital or analog inputs, the type of video display and speakers installed, and the surround mode specifics of your home theater system.
When any input other than the tuner,
To change the input name, press the ⁄/¤ Navigation Buttons D© on the remote so that the cursor is pointing to TITLE. Next, press and hold the Set Button pœ for a few seconds until a flashing box appears to the right of the colon. Immediately release the Set Button pœ, as you are now ready to enter the device name.
Press the ⁄/¤ Navigation Buttons D© and note that alphanumeric characters will appear with the start of the alphabet in capital letters, followed by the lowercase letters, and then numbers and symbols. When you press the ¤ Navigation Button D ©, the symbols and numbers will appear first, followed by a reverse list of the alphabet in lowercase letters. Press the button either way until the first letter of the desired name appears. If you wish to enter a blank space as the first character, press the
To use the
When the
In/Out Setup
The first step is to configure each input source. When an input is selected, the settings will “attach” them- selves to that input and be stored in a nonvolatile memory. Once made, the selection of an input will automatically recall those settings. For that reason, the procedures described below must be repeated for each input source so that you have the opportunity to customize each source to your specific listening requirements. However, once done, they need not be changed again unless your system components have changed.
When using the
* I N / O U T S E T U P *
→ S O U R C E : V I D E O 1 |
| |
T I T L E : |
A U D I O I N - P O R T : |
| A N A L O G | |||
A U D I O A U T O P O L L : | O F F | O N | |||
V I D E O I N P O R T : A U T O |
| |||
C O M P O N E N T I N P U T : | C O M P 1 | ||||
V I D E O P R O C E S S : V | C O N V E R | ||||
A / V S Y N C D E L A Y : |
| 0 | m S | ||
M A S T E R M E N U | P A G E | 2 |
›Navigation Button D©.
When the desired character appears, press the › Navigation Button D© and repeat the process for the next letter, and continue until the desired name is entered, up to a maximum of 14 characters. Press the Set Button pœ to enter the input name into the system memory and to proceed with the configu- ration process.
After entering the input title, press the ⁄/¤ Navigation Buttons D© to move to the next line.
The audio input defaults are shown in the table in the Appendix. If your system configuration follows the default table, no changes are needed and you may press the ⁄/¤ Navigation Buttons D© to move to the next line.
With the cursor pointing to AUDIO
In normal operation, when a digital audio stream is interrupted, the unit will automatically switch to the analog inputs associated with that source. This is par- ticularly useful with cable
Figure 2
D©so that OFF (rather than ON) is highlighted.