4 Viewfinder
■Multi-mode light metering
■Full exposure information
■100% image
■90° viewing angle for eye-line composition
■Full image for spectacle wearers
■Integral dioptre adjustment
■Integral flash unit
The 90° viewfinder provides a laterally corrected 100% image at eye-line level. It features a wide-range diopter adjustment to suit most users. The viewing distance is designed to provide full frame view even for eyeglass wearers. The bright Spherical Acute-Matte D focusing screens (located in the camera body) are interchange- able to suit preference, each of them naturally indicating the spot light metering area for accuracy in exposure estimation. The in- formation display located beneath the viewing frame is continu- ally updated and visible and is back lit for optimum visibility. This LCD also duplicates much information visible on the grip LCD for immediate checking. In addition to the LCD, there are four LEDs providing general warnings, flash and focus information.
The viewfinder also features a pop-up fill-flash unit for added convenience.
The viewfinder requires no batteries as it is supplied with power from the camera body and can be easily and quickly removed. Please see section on ‘Flash’ for full details.
See the ‘Camera Body ‘ section for details about the viewfinder screen.
The exposure compensation button and exposure mode button are described in the ‘ Function Control ‘ section.