True exposure | 12 |
•On • Off
Determines whether the exposure is auto- matically adjusted to create a true exposure setting. (See Appendix, Glossary of Terms for full explanation).
On allows the adjustment.
Off retains the normal setting.
Spot mode | 13 |
•Normal • Zone
Determines how the camera behaves when set to Spot Mode.
Normal makes the camera behave in the same fashion as when set to Average or Centre Weighted.
Zone makes the camera behave in the same fashion as the Hasselblad 205FCC. That is, the central spot is placed over a particular area of the subject and the
Then, when the camera is moved, the areas within the central spot are indicated by their zone values.
Focus aid in MF | 14 |
•Half press • Always • Off
Sets how the focus aid arrowhead LED sym- bols appear in the viewfinder display in manual focus mode.
Half press makes them visible when the shutter release button is pressed half way.
Always makes them visible all of the time when camera is active. Off disables them completely.
AF assist light | 15 |
• Camera • Ext flash • Off
Allows projection of light pattern to assist the autofocus system in poor light or low contrast situations.
Camera sets the integral AF assist illumination to be always ac- tive.
External flash activates the AF assist illumination projected by a suitable attached external flash unit. When detached, however, the integral system is automatically used.
Off sets the AF assist to remain always inactive.
Rear wheel quick adjust | 16 |
•Yes • No
Allows rear control wheel to make a rapid EV adjustment (or EV compensation) in
Yes turns the setting on. By turning the rear control wheel, the ad-
justment is made and appears on both LCDs as a ± symbol between the shutter speed and aperture values. The amount of deviation also appears above the scale to the left of the aperture value on the viewfinder LCD.
No turns the function off completely.
Control lock | 17 |
•All controls • Wheels • Off
Sets the amount of locking used when the
Control Lock button is pressed.
All controls locks control wheels and buttons.
Wheels locks only control wheels. They remain operable in any setting mode, however.
Off disables lock function.
Film | 18 |
• Direct • Half press
Sets when the film will be advanced to the first frame.
Direct advances film automatically to the first frame when the film holder is inserted or when the magazine is attached.
Half press advances the film only when the shutter release is pressed to half press position.
•On • Off
Sets the audible beeper signal.
On enables the signal.
Off disables the signal.
Show histogram | 20 |
•Yes • No
Sets whether a histogram of a digital expo- sure appears on the LCD after exposure. Only for use together with digital backs that support this feature.
Yes enables the setting.
No disables the setting.
Interval & Self Timer | 21 |
•Exit • Stay
Allows either the Interval or Self Timer mode to remain active after an exposure or immediately return to standard setting.
Exit clears the setting and produces an automatic return to standard setting after an exposure.
Stay retains the setting after an exposure.