Stop/Reset Key – Press this key to stop the motor when it is running (uses the programmed deceleration rate). This key will also reset an alarm which has tripped.

Parameter Display – A 4-digit, 7-segment display for parameters and function codes.

Display Units: Hertz/Volts/Amperes/kW/% – These LEDs indicate the units associated with the parameter display. When the display is monitoring a parameter, the appropriate LED is ON. In the case of kW units, both Volts and Amperes LEDs will be ON. An easy way to remember this is that kW = (V x A)/1000.

Power LED – ON when the power input to the inverter is ON.

Alarm LED – ON when an alarm condition has tripped the inverter. Clearing the alarm will turn this LED OFF again. See page 9 for details on clearing alarms.

Function Key – This key is used to navigate through the lists of parameters and functions for setting and monitoring parameter values.

Up/Down Keys – Use these keys alternately to move up or down the lists of parameter and functions shown in the display, and to increment/ decrement values.

Store Key – When the unit is in Program Mode and the operator has edited a parameter value, press the Store key to write the new value to the EEPROM. This parameter is then displayed at powerup by default. If you want to change the powerup default, navigate to a new parameter value and press the Store key.