Reset Scanner

Scanning this bar code reboots the scanner and causes it to relink with the base.

Reset Scanner

Scanning While in Base Cradle

If you want to be able to scan bar codes while the scanner is in the base, scan the following Scanning in Cradle On bar code. If you want to only allow scanning when the scanner is out of the base, scan Scanning in Cradle Off. Default = Scanning in

Cradle On.

Scanning in Cradle Off

* Scanning in Cradle On

Note: When Scanning in Cradle Off is selected, the scanner will not scan any bar codes while it is in the base. It will only scan when removed from the base.


Paging Mode

By default, the paging button on the base pages the scanner associated with that base. If you want the paging button on your base to be disabled, scan the following Paging Mode Off bar code. When Paging Mode is off, the base will no longer page the scanner when the button is pressed. The red LED on the base will remain lit to indicate that Paging Mode is off.

(This light will go out when the button is pressed, then back on when it’s released.) Default = Paging Mode On.

* Paging Mode On

Paging Mode Off

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