Batch Mode LIFOClear All Codes After Transmission

If you want to clear the scanner’s buffer of all data accumulated in Batch Mode after the data has been transmitted to the host system, scan Clear All Codes After Transmission. If you do not want the buffer cleared after transmission, scan

Don’t Clear All Codes After Transmission. Default = Don’t Clear All Codes After Transmission.

*Don’t Clear All Codes After TransmissionClear All Codes AfterTransmissionClear All Codes

If you want to clear the scanner’s buffer of all data accumulated in Batch Mode, scan Clear All Codes.

Clear All CodesTransmit Records Automatically

If you are operating in Inventory Batch Mode (see Inventory Batch Mode on page 3-11),you can transmit all stored data to the host system when the scanner is placed in the base. If you don’t want the records transmitted when the scanner is placed in the base, scan the Don’t Transmit Records Automatically bar code. Default = Don’t Transmit Records Auto-


*Don’t Transmit Records Automatically

Transmit Records Automatically

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