Setting the Capture Mode Display Method

Sets the monitor display method in Capture mode.

1 Select [LCD View Options] in the [ARec. Mode 3] menu, and press the four-way controller (5).

The [LCD View Options] screen appears.


2 Press the four-way controller (5), use the four-way controller (23) to select a grid display type, and press the 4button.

Select from h(default setting), e(4x4 Grid), f(Golden Section) or


LCD View Options

Show Grid


Bright/Dark Area

MENU Cancel


3 Use the four-way controller (23) to select [Histogram] or [Bright/Dark Area], and use the four-way controller (45) to select Oor P.


Shows the brightness distribution of an image. (p.26)

Bright/Dark Area

Bright (overexposed) portions blink red and dark

(underexposed) portions blink yellow. (p.28)


4 Press the 3button twice.

The screen that was displayed before selecting the menu appears again.

Setting the Guide Display Time

Set the length of time that the guides (p.69) are displayed on the monitor when the Capture mode is changed.

Select from [3 sec.] (default setting), [10 sec.], [30 sec.] and [Off]. Set in [Guide Display] (p.184) of the [RSet-up 1] menu.


Additional Changing Settings