96Using the Shake Reduction Function to Prevent Camera Shake

4 ShootingFunctions

Taking Pictures Using the Shake Reduction Function

The Shake Reduction function reduces camera shake that occurs when the shutter release button is pressed. This is useful for taking pictures in situations where camera shake is likely to occur.

The Shake Reduction function works effectively when taking pictures in the following situations.

-When taking pictures in dimly lit locations, such as indoors, at night, on cloudy days and in the shade

-When taking telephoto pictures

• The Shake Reduction function does not compensate for blurring caused by subject movement. To take pictures of a moving subject, increase the shutter speed.

• The Shake Reduction function may not fully reduce camera shake when taking close-up shots. In this case, it is recommended to turn off the Shake Reduction function and use the camera with a tripod.

• The Shake Reduction function will not fully work when shooting with a very slow shutter speed, for example when panning or shooting night scenes. In this case, it is recommended to turn off the Shake Reduction function and use the camera with a tripod.

1 Press the Mbutton in Capture mode.

The control panel appears.

2 Use the four-way controller (2345) to select [Shake Reduction], and press the 4button.

The [Shake Reduction] screen appears.