
In this manual, refers to the peripheral units that are attachedto the SCSI/parallel adapter card.

device adapter


differential signal

Also referred to as“balancedsignal”. During electrical transmissionand reception, signalsare detemined by the difference betweentwo lines that are both at different voltagesrelative to ground. Differential SCSIsignalscanbe usedover longer distancesand at higher data rates. A differential SCSIbus is incompatible with a single-ended SCSI bus. Therefore, differential SCSIdevicesmay not be usedwith the SCSI/parallel adapter card. Seealso, single-endedsignal.

filler card

In someHP-PB computers, a removable plastic plate that is installed in HP-PB I/O slots when the slot is not in use.


Field Replaceable Unit. The lowest level of hardwaresupported for field replacement, such as to effect repair.

hardware path

The collection of hardware addressesthat uniquely identify hardware elements (such asadapter cards and peripheral devices) to the computer system.

high-density connector

In reference to the adapter card’s SCSI port, a 50-conductor connector consisting of two rows of 25 contacts with adjacent contacts 1.27mm (0.05in) apart. Seealso, low-density connector.


In this manual, the computer in which the adapter card is installed.

2 Glossary

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HP 28642A manual Fru