Note | An open fuse condition can be alsobe determined from the scsipba |
| diagnostic. |
| If another device on the SCSIbus provides termination power, the bus |
| can continue to operate normally. |
Before replacing the TERMPWR fuse,identify the reasonfor the failure. Check for sonrces of short circuits on the SCSI buscables and connectors. Check for proper mating of contact pins on the SCSIbus cables. Be sure that power is off on the host computer and peripheral deviceswhen connecting SCSIbus cablesto prevent inadvertent shorting.
To remove and replace the fuse, proceed as follows:
1. Remove the card from the hostcomputer asdescribed previously in this chapter.
2As shown in figure
3.To install the replacement fuse,carefully align the two contact pins with the socket holes. Then simply pressthe fusein. The fusehas no polarity, so the pins cango into either sockethole.
Wiggle fuse ollghlly whllr pulling lt