Set switchesor jumpers on your device(s) asappropriate. Be sure each SCSI device hasa unique SCSI address.
For optimum noise immunity, any device that suppliestermination power should be enabled to do so. If at least two devicessupply termination power, Locatethem at eachend of the SCSIbus.
Connect the device end of the SCSIport cable
Use active SCSI terminators.
Minimize the SCSIbus length. However, do not
Do not exceedthe maximum
Do not exceed the maximum number of devices supported for your particular system.
Terminate the SCSI Bus
Unless the SCSIbus is properly terminated, the bus will not operate reliably. Terminators provide matching impedance and bias the bus signatlines.
This product includes an external SCSI bus terminator assembly,part number
As illustrated in figure