Chapter 2 Quick Start
Starting and Closing HP BenchLink/Arb
P | 5 ‘h Rz z H |
∙ | Wd3 |
| Rd5 |
∙ | W 3 | y3 y |
| HP BenchLink/Arb was loaded in a directory named ’bench’, enter: | |
| . |
∙ From the DOS prompt, assuming HP BenchLink/Arb was loaded in a | ||
| directory named ‘bench’, type: F | . |
Once started, the HP BenchLink/Arb screen can be positioned, sized, maximized, or reduced to an icon using the standard Windows controls in the Title Bar.
The first time you start HP BenchLink/ Arb, the program will prompt you to enter your name and your company name. This information will appear in the banner screen each time you start HP BenchLink/ Arb.
l. You can exit from HP BenchLink/Arb in one of two ways:
∙ | From the HP BenchLink/Arb Menu Bar, choose o n | . |
∙ |
HP BenchLink/Arb will prompt you to save any unsaved waveform windows.