Chapter 3 Using HP BenchLink/Arb

Importing Data Saved From HP BenchLink/Scope

Percentage of Original Data starts at 100%. The size of the waveform data can be changed by specifying the number of points/amplitude peak-to-peak or percentage of the original size. Pressing ENTER for each new value will automatically change the selected data in the waveform edit window. Click OK to complete the resizing process or CANCEL to return the data to its original size.

If the total number of points in the arbitrary waveform is at or near the

3maximum length (16,000 points), HP BenchLink/ Arb will not allow you to expand the waveform or will restrict the number of points or percentage you are allowed to expand.

Expand To Fit

The Math Expand To Fit command stretches the waveform data to fit the entire waveform edit window. The waveform is expanded both horizontally and vertically. The waveform does not have to be selected to perform this operation. The expansion can be undone with the

Edit Undo command.

Importing Data Saved From HP BenchLink/Scope

To import data saved by the HP BenchLink/Scope application in either

.PRN or .CSV format:

1Select File Import... from the Menu Bar. The Open dialog box will be displayed, prompting you to enter the filename of the file you wish to open.

2Choose the appropriate file extension from the file type list, select the desired file and click the OK button. If the file is displayed in the file list, double-click on it to open the file. Click the CANCEL button to abort the command or the HELP button for more information.

3The file will be opened as a new waveform edit window, properly scaled to display the points. The points may be cut and pasted into another waveform edit window if desired.