Chapter 3 Using HP BenchLink/Arb

Configuring the Interface

The Settings... option is for RS-232 only and is grayed out for IEEE-488 users. The RS-232 Settings dialog displays serial port (COM2), baud rate (9600), handshake (none), parity (none), character length (8-bits), and stop bits (2-bits) parameters. Changes are allowed only to the serial port parameter.

Any devices found by HP BenchLink/Arb upon initialization are displayed in the INSTRUMENTS list box. Select the function generator by

3highlighting the choice. Test the interface connectivity by clicking the TEST button. If you are using RS-232, the function generator address refers to the serial port in use.

The SEARCH button is used to initiate a search for all instruments attached via HP-IB cables or a single function generator attached to the COM port identified in the Settings dialog box. All identified instruments will be displayed in the INSTRUMENTS list of the Setup Interface dialog box.

Choose OK to accept changes to the Setup Interface dialog box or CANCEL to abort. Changes made in the Setup Interface dialog box will be used as the default settings the next time you run HP BenchLink/Arb.

If you are using an IEEE-488 Interface card, ensure you have correctly installed the interface software before running HP BenchLink/ Arb. Either an HPIB.DLL or GPIB.DLL file must be located in your

HP BenchLink/ Arb directory, the Windows directory, or a directory included in the PATH command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. For specific details, refer to your IEEE-488 Interface card installation guide.