How To Use the Statistics Screens To Analyze Router Operation

Introducing the Statistics Screens

The functions of the statistics screens are to provide the following:

Circuits Statistics: Provide summary data for each individual circuit, including how many bytes and frames were received and transmitted and how many frames contained errors.

Per Second Statistics: Provide summary data on traffic volume for a per-second basis for each circuit on the router.

Bridge Statistics: Provide summary data for each bridging circuit group, including how many frames received, forwarded, flooded, and dropped.

DECnet Router Statistics: Provide summary data for each IP router network interface, including how many frames received, forwarded, and dropped.

DoD IP Router Statistics: Provide summary data for each IP router network interface, including how many datagrams received, forwarded, handled within the router, and dropped.

XNS Router Statistics: Provide summary data for each XNS network interface, including how many datagrams received, forwarded, handled within the router, and dropped.

IPX Router Statistics: Provide summary data for each IPX network interface, including how many datagrams received, forwarded, handled within the router, and dropped.

AppleTalk Router Statistics: Provide summary data for each Apple- Talk router circuit group, including how many packets received, forwarded, and dropped.

Buffers Usage Statistics: Provide information on buffer allocation and use.

For an example of each statistics screen type, along with a description of each statistics data category, refer to the Operator’s Reference.




