How To Use the Statistics Screens To Analyze Router Operation

How To Access the Statistics Screen Menu

At the bottom of the Statistics Screens menu screen is the prompt:

PRESS: ? for help, Down, Up, <- to exit, <RETURN> to select

You can choose from:

To display help text for any statistics screen: Use [v] or [^] to position the pointer to the menu item about which you want help. Then use the [Shift] [?] key combination to display the help. To return to the Statistics Screen menu, press [<]. For example, to display help for the buffers usage statistics item in figure 6-3, below, you would use the

[v]key to move the pointer to the Buffers Usage Statistics line, then press the [Shift] [?] key combination.

To choose a statistics screen for display: Type the menu item number to display the statistics screen for that item. Using the example of figure 6-3 below, you would type 5 to display the buffers usage statistics. (You can also display a statistics screen by using [v] or [^] to position the pointer at the desired menu item, then pressing [Return].

To exit from the Statistics Screen menu: Press [<] to return to the

Main menu.

Buffers menu item

Figure 6-3. Getting Help and Choosing a Screen to Display





