The following table provides the minimum RHEL and SLES OS distributions that are supported using the latest HP Insight Foundation Suite for Integrity with Linux:
Table 1-1 Supported Minimum OS Distributions by HP Integrity Server
Server | RHEL Distributions | SUSE Distributions |
BL860c | RHEL4U6, RHEL5U1 | SLES10, SLES11 |
BL870c | RHEL4U6, RHEL5U1 | SLES10SPI, SLES11 |
cx2620 | RHEL4U4 | None |
rx1600 | RHEL | None |
rx1620 | RHEL4, RHEL5 | SLES10 |
rx2600 | RHEL4 | None |
rx2620 | RHEL4, RHEL5 | SLES10 |
rx2660 | RHEL4U4, RHEL5 | SLES10SP1, SLES11 |
rx3600 | RHEL4U4, RHEL5 | SLES10, SLES11 |
rx4640 | RHEL, RHEL5 | SLES10 |
rx5670 | None | None |
rx6600 | RHEL4U4, RHEL5 | SLES10, SLES11 |
rx7620 | RHEL4U1, RHEL5U1 | SLES10 |
rx7640 | RHEL4U4, RHEL5U1 | SLES10, SLES11 |
rx8620 | RHEL4U1, RHEL5U1 | SLES10 |
rx8640 | RHEL4U4, RHEL5U1 | SLES10, SLES11 |
Superdome sx1000 | RHEL4U1, RHEL5U1 | SLES10 |
Superdome sx2000 | RHEL4U4, RHEL5U1 | SLES10SP1, SLES11 |
Support Exceptions
The following support exceptions should be reviewed to ensure that you are using the correct versions of the product:
HP Smart Setup EBSU utility and the rx2600 HP Integrity server:
The HP rx2600 server is not supported by the HP Smart Setup EBSU utility after the version 4.2 so you must retain a copy of this version for use in managing this server.
MPT Fusion HBA driver requirements on the rx2660, BL860c and BL870c HP Integrity servers: The use of the MPT Fusion HBA driver on the rx2660, BL860c, and BL870c HP Integrity servers requires an update of this driver when your server is running RHEL5 or SLES10 and is described in “Installing the MPT Fusion HBA Drivers for Linux” (page 33).
Ensure Support for Linux on HP Integrity Servers
HP recommends that you review the Linux certification and support matrix for your HP Integrity servers prior to downloading Linux from the Red Hat or Novell SUSE websites. You should ensure that the distribution of Linux that you want to install is both certified and supported on your server.
Use the following steps to review information about the supported and certified distributions of the RHEL and the SUSE Linux distributions for HP Integrity servers:
1.Go to the Open Source and Linux from HP website at: http://www.hp.com/go/integritylinux
12 Planning the Installation