
Hardware Diagnostic Tests

Hardware Diagnostic Tests

Testing the Switch by Resetting It

If you believe the switch is not operating correctly, you can reset the switch to test its circuitry and operating code. To reset a switch, either:

unplug and plug in the power cord (power cycling)

press the Reset button on the front of the switch

Power cycling the switch and pressing the Reset button both cause the switch to perform its power-on self test, which almost always will resolve any temporary operational problems. These reset processes also cause any network traffic counters to be reset to zero, and cause the System Up Time timer to reset to zero.

Checking the Switch LEDs

The self test passes if the Fault and Test LEDs on the front of the switch go off after approximately 50 seconds. If these LEDs stay on longer than 60 seconds or begin blinking, there may be a problem with the switch.

See “Diagnosing With the LEDs” on page 4-3for information on interpreting the LED patterns and LED behaviors in chapter one.

Checking Console Messages

Useful diagnostic messages may be displayed on the console screen when the


switch is reset. As described in chapter 2 under step 7, “Connect a Console to


the Switch”, connect a PC running a VT-100 terminal emulator program or a


standard VT-100 terminal to the switch’s Console Port and configure it to run


at 9600 baud, and with the other terminal communication settings shown on


page 2-18. Then, when you reset the switch, note the messages that are


displayed. Additionally, you can check the switch event log, which can be


accessed from the console using the show log command, or from the console


Main Menu.

