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Edition: E1201
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BROCADE, the Brocade B weave logo, Brocade: the Intelligent Platform for Networking Storage, SilkWorm, and SilkWorm Express, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or in other countries.
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Safety notices
Any servicing, adjustment, maintenance, or repair must be performed only by authorized
Format conventions
variable | Indicates that you must supply a value. |
output | Denotes text displayed on the screen. |
[ ] | Indicates that the enclosed element is |
| optional and may be left out. |
{ } | Indicates that you must specify one of the |
| listed options. |
Separates alternatives. | |
. . . | Indicates a repetition of the preceding |
| parameter. |
Tip Denotes ideas for enhanced product usage.
Note Denotes significant concepts or operating instructions.
CAUTION Denotes a hazard that can cause hardware or software damage.
WARNING Denotes a hazard that can cause personal injury or death.