Viewing Photos

Use this feature to play photos, or to listen to background music while playing a photo slideshow.

Playing photos or a slideshow

1Press the Media button on your remote control to open the Media main menu.

2Press an Arrow button to select Photos, and then press OK.

3Press an Arrow button to select an option for photos listings, and then press OK. The options are:

￿All Photos






The screen shows your photos as thumbnail images or as a list.

4Press an Arrow button to select a photo. Press a Channel button to show the next page of photos.

5With a photo selected, you can:

￿Press the Left Arrow and Right Arrow buttons to move to the previous or next photo.

￿Press the Red context button to start a slideshow from this photo.

In a slideshow:

￿Press Play to start or resume a slideshow, or a slideshow and music.

￿Press Stop to stop music, a slideshow, or a slideshow and music.

￿Press Pause to pause music, a slideshow, or a slideshow and music.

￿Press Next to skip to the next photo when playing music in a slideshow.

￿Press Previous to play the previous photo when playing music in a slideshow.

￿Press OK to view the photo as a full-screen image. Press Back or Stop to return to the thumbnails.

In full-screen photo view:

￿Press the Left Arrow and Right Arrow buttons to jump to the previous or next photo.

￿Press the Previous and Next buttons to jump to the previous or next photo.

￿Press the Red context button to start a slideshow.

￿Press the Green context button to rotate the photo.

￿Press the Yellow context button to zoom (enlarge) the photo. Press the Yellow button again to step through zoom modes. While in zoom, press an Arrow button to pan within the photo.

￿Press the Blue context button to add the item to Favorites.

Watching a slideshow while listening to music

You can listen to your favorite music while playing a photo slideshow by following these steps:

1Press Media, select Music, and then select and start playing music as described in “Playing music” on page 90.

2Press Media again, select Photos, and then select photos and play a slideshow as described in “Viewing Photos” on page 88.

Changing slideshow options

Choose slideshow options on the Settings menu for Slideshow; see “Changing the Slideshow options” on page 94.

88HP MediaSmart HDTV User Guide