data transmission, 16-16 infrared port

infrared port, 16-17 processor speed

managed by operating system in Windows 98, 4-18

setting in Windows 2000 Professional, 4-19

setting, in Windows 95, 4-16 product identification number (PIN),


Product Identification Settings, 15-5 product key problems, 16-35


Quick Controls

initiating from keyboard, 2-7, 2-8

QuickBoot, 15-4

QuickLock/QuickBlank, 13-4, 13-6,


QuickRestore CD-ROMs,12-4


RAM. See random access memory RAM (random access memory), 4-2,

11-1 registration

for Info Messenger, 12-1 removable drives

caring for, 5-2

prevent electrostatic damage, C-1 removing the primary hard drive, 11-6 Resume Timer

comparable settings in Windows 98, 4-18

right pointing-stick button, 2-3, 2-4 right TouchPad button, 2-1, 2-2, 2-4 RJ-11. See Modem jack

RJ-45. See NIC jack

ROM. See read only memory ROMPaq, 12-3


screen brightness

adjusting, with hotkeys, 2-7, 2-9 setting in Windows 2000

Professional, 4-19 setting, in Windows 95, 4-16 setting, in Windows 98, 4-18

screen problems, 16-36 Scroll Lock key, 2-6

Scroll Lock Light Indicator, 1-8 scroll pointing-stick button, 2-3, 2-4 SDRAM (synchronous DRAM)

memory, 11-2 Search, 2-12

secondary battery pack. See DualBay security

enabling and disabling devices, 13-11 enabling Quick Controls, 13-8 initiating Quick Controls, 13-8 Quick Controls, 2-7, 2-8

types, 13-1

using cable lock, 13-2 using Quick Controls, 13-7

selecting diskettes, 5-4 Serial connector, 1-6

serial number, computer, A-1 shipping preparing the computer, 12-5 shutting down the computer

computer turns off when operating system shuts down, 4-3

to resolve low-battery or critical low-battery condition, 4-6

when leaving your work, 4-2 when not in use, 4-2, 12-4

single-click mode (Windows 98), 2-2, 2-5

sleep button (Windows 2000 Professional), 4-3, 4-4

sleep button (Windows 98), 4-3, 4-4 SoftPaq, 12-2

ROMPaq, 12-2
