3The alternate line does not have all the features of the first line:

Line 2 shares the voice mailbox with Line 1; there is only one monthly charge.

You cannot forward Line 2 to Line 1 and have the phone ring; the call defaults to Voice Mail.

Text and Numeric Paging is not offered on Line 2.

A call from line 2 will appear on the recipient’s Caller ID as the Line 1 phone number.

Selecting the Alternate Line

At the Phone Ready screen:

1 Press nuntil you see “Line2”. (If you are on a b

Line 2, you will see “Line1”.)


Phone Ready



2Do one of the following:

Press o under “Line2” to activate Line 2 when Line 1 is the active line.

Or, press ounder “Line1” to activate Line 1 when Line 2 is the active line.

Receiving Calls on Your Alternate Line

You can receive calls on either line, regardless of the active line setting.

If the call is on the same line as the currently active line, the active line icon simply flashes.

If the call is on the line that is not currently active, the active line icon remains lit and the additional line icon flashes.

If you are on a call on one line:

1Press ounder “Yes” to answer the call on the other line. Your original call will be placed on hold.

a h2 b

3055551212 Take Call On Line 2?

No Yes
