Customizing the i2000

5When the desired language appears on your dis- play, press ounder “Ok”. The displayed text immediately changes to the selected language.

a 1 b



Cancl Ok

6Press ounder “Exit” to exit this menu.

Setting the Time and Date Format

IMPORTANT: The Time and Date may not be available in your area and may not appear on your display. Once this feature becomes available, your i2000 phone will automatically display the local time and date.

NOTE: The Time and Date will not appear on your display when operating on Nextel Worldwide Service.

You have a choice of a 12- or a 24-hour clock format, as shown in the table below:

12-Hour Display

12:00 am

6:25 am

12:00 pm

10:25 pm






24-Hour Display00:0006:2512:0022:25






You have a choice of either a MM/DD (month/day) or a DD/MM (day/month) date format as shown in the table below.


Month/Day Format

Day/Month Format







January 2nd01/0202/01




December 31st12/3131/12




NOTE: All of the modes (Phone Ready, Private Ready and Group Ready) display the time and date on the third line of the display. To set the time and date format once this feature is activated, follow these steps:

1Press nuntil you see the “Prgm” menu option.

2 Press ounder “Prgm” then press 7then

a 1 b


71=Time/ Date

Exit Ok