Configuration procedure

Follow these steps to configure scheme authentication for modem login:

To do…

Use the command…


Enter system view







Enter AUX user interface

user-interface aux first-number



[ last-number ]












Whether local, RADIUS, or

Specify the scheme


HWTACACS authentication is

authentication-mode scheme

adopted depends on the configured

authentication mode


AAA scheme.





By default, the authentication mode



is none for modem users









By default, command




authorization is not enabled.



By default, command level for a




login user depends on the user




privilege level. The user is




authorized the command with the




default level not higher than the




user privilege level. With the




command authorization




configured, the command level




for a login user is determined by

Enable command

command authorization


both the user privilege level and


AAA authorization. If a user





executes a command of the







corresponding command level,




the authorization server checks




whether the command is




authorized. If yes, the command




can be executed.



Before enabling command




authorization, configure the AAA

authorization server. After you enable command authorization, only commands authorized by the AAA authorization server can be executed.