Software Packaging

Software Package Structure

The difference between a containment relationship and a reference relationship can be illustrated by the notion that a bundle can be removed without actually removing the software elements that it references. However, removing a product always removes the filesets it contains, and the files contained in the filesets.

Table 2-1 provides a summary of a software package's structural elements, their functions, and their relationship to other elements. The structural elements are numbered to correspond with Figure 2-2 on page 22:

Table 2-1

Structural Elements: Functions and Relationships


















A delivered and

The installed software is a


Software (1)

installed software

valid and complete




software package.






Product (2)

A collection of related

A product is a container



filesets and optionally,

for filesets, subproducts,



subproducts and

and optionally, control



control scripts.







Bundle (3)

A collection of related

A bundle is a reference



filesets, subproducts,

for groups of filesets,



and/or products.

subproducts, or products.






Fileset (4)

A grouping of related

A fileset is a container



files and control

for files and control








Filesets are contained in










Subproduct (5)

A grouping of related

A subproduct is a




reference for groups of




related filesets within a




single product.






Control File (6)

A control file performs

Control files (scripts) are



checks and other tasks

contained in one or more



in the software

filesets and/or products.









Chapter 2