Getting Started with Software Package Builder

Using the SPB Command Line Interface

ExampleTo validate the PSF file located in /opt/SPB/demo/demo1, you would type the following:

spb -f /opt/SPB/demo/demo1 -V


Incorporating SPB into Automated Processes


For packagers with automated processes, the build process usually


includes generating a PSF. To take advantage of SPB's validation


capability, include the SPB validation command after the PSF


generation step in the automated process.


To perform validation on the generated PSF, invoke the following


command in your process:


spb -f psf_file -V 2> psferrors


where psf_file is the name of the generated PSF and psferrors is the


file where validation errors are stored. Packagers can then examine this


file and determine the appropriate course of action. You can debug the


PSF using the SPB GUI with packaging policy help located in the Policy


Help tab. The return values of the validation also indicate which


message was the most severe message.




SPB cannot read a PSF from stdin, therefore, it cannot be used in a pipe


symbol ( ). The following command will not work correctly:


cat psf_file spb -V


Return Values





Upon completion of the validation process using the CLI, SPB returns


one of the following values to indicate the severity of the message:



Normal exit. Validation performed with no errors.



Validation found a warning.



Validation found an error.

For additional information on this and other SPB command line options, refer to the spb (1m) manpage.


Chapter 4