•If you want to do provisioning on a storage system, type the corresponding password for controller or proxy and make sure the Do Not Authenticate option is not selected.
•For all other elements other than storage systems, provide the password if it is necessary for authentication. If the element does not require a password, leave the Password field blank.
7.If you typed a password in the previous step, retype the password in the Verify Password field.
8.In the Comment field (optional), type a comment for additional information. The information typed into this field is displayed under the Comment column in the Addresses to Discover list (Tools > Storage Essentials > Home > Discovery > Setup).
9.Click OK.
10.To start discovering elements on the network, click the Start Discovery button on the IP Addresses tab.
Modifying a Single IP Address Entry for Discovery
You can change the user name and password the software uses to access an element. Whenever a user name and/or password has changed on an element the management server monitors, the management server must be made aware of the change. For example, assume the password for a host was changed. You would need to updated the management server database with the new password.
IMPORTANT: These steps only change the user name and password stored in the database for HP SIM or HP SE. It does not change the device's user name and password.
Discovery from HP SIM
To change the user name and password for discovering an element:
1.Click Options > Protocol Settings > System Protocol Settings.
2.Select the target systems you want to change the user name and password.
3.Click Next.
4.Specify the new settings as specified in the documentation for HP SIM.
5.Click Run Now or Schedule when done.
Discovery from HP SE
To modify a user name or password for discovery:
1.Click Tools > Storage Essentials > Home on the HP SIM home page menu. The Storage Essentials home page opens in a separate web browser window. From the Storage Essentials home page, click Discovery, then click Setup in the upper right pane of the Storage Essentials window.
2.Click the button for the element you want to modify the user name and/or password.
3.To change the user name, type the new user name in the User Name field.
4.To add or change a comment, type a comment in the Comment field.
5.To change the password:
26 Discovering Filers, Tape Libraries, Switches and Storage Systems