NOTE: While the service is stopped, the management server cannot monitor elements and users cannot access the management server.

2.To find the corrupt log file, look in the alert_APPIQ.log file, which can be found in \oracle\admin\APPIQ\bdump, where ORACLE_BASE is c:\oracle

You can verify if the REDO log listed in the alert_APPIQ.log file is corrupt by looking for a “redo block corruption” error in the REDO log.

3.On the management server, enter the following at the command prompt:

Sqlplus /nolog

4.Enter the following:

Sql> connect sys/change_on_install as sysdba

5.Enter the following:

Sql> startup mount;

6.Enter the following:


where C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\APPIQ\REDO02.LOG is the corrupted log file and its path.

7.Enter the following:

Sql> alter database open

8.Enter the following:

Sql> shutdown immediate;

9.Enter the following:

Sql> startup

Receiving “HTTP ERROR: 503" WhenAccessing the Management Server

If you receive a message resembling the following when you try to access the management server, make sure your database for the management server is running. If it is not, start the database.

Receiving HTTP ERROR: 503 javax.ejb.EJBException: null;

Refer to the following sections for more information about how to start database for the management server.

Access the Services window to make sure the OracleOraHome92TNSListener service has started and is set to automatic. Refer to the Windows documentation for information on how to access the Services window.

If the OracleOraHome92TNSListener service has not started but the AppStorManager service has started, start the OracleOraHome92TNSListener service and then restart AppStorManager.

600 Troubleshooting