Assembly Listing
The choice of line number 16 is arbitrary here. At the end of the assembly listing, a symbol table is printed showing the name and value of each symbol in the file. A type field for each symbol, indicating either absolute or relocatable, is included.
Certain types of source lines generate multiple instructions. Macro calls often expand to several instructions. The .ENTER and .LEAVE
You have the choice of listing a section of assembled code in either the compressed or expanded form. The placement of the .LISTON and
.LISTOFF directives determines which code will be expanded during listing. The directive .LISTON tells the Assembler to expand the listing of all subsequent source lines until a .LISTOFF directive is encountered.
.LISTOFF stays in effect until the occurrence of a .LISTON directive.
The default is .LISTON.
The directives .LISTON and .LISTOFF may be placed anywhere in the source text and always go into effect immediately. The .LISTON and
.LISTOFF directives can be used as often as desired.
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