Diagnostic Messages

Warning Messages


the operand. The new assembler will


also accept these poorly formed


operands and also add the trailing


(%r0) to the operand, but it


additionally flags this as a potential


problem by issuing this warning.


Add a trailing (%r0) to the operand or


otherwise correct the poorly formed



41MESSAGE A register typed operand is expected here - %s


The old assembler would accept


integers between 0 and 31 as valid


registers, or alternatively accept


names that were defined using a


.EQU to an integer. The new


assembler performs additional type


checks on the operands and wants to


see either a predefined register


(starting with a %) or a register name


that was previously defined by the


.REG directive. The file


/usr/lib/pcc_prefix.s is


typically included when the


assembler is invoked through cc(1)


and this file defines many register


names that are typically used in


assembly programs.


Inspect the source file and replace the


integer with the appropriate


predefined register, or for a name,


find and replace the .EQU directive


with a correct .REG directive.


Alternatively the w41 command-line


option may be used to suppress all


occurrences of this warning message.


Note that future versions of the


assembler may require proper


register typing of operands in order


Chapter 8