Command and Tool Reference

LDAP Directory Tools




The following configuration variables are defined in the user's


configuration file as ~/.ux_ldap_admin_rc:


LDAP_BINDDN="cn=Directory Manager"




The Command


ldapentry -a passwd UserA


will try to bind to the directory on server myhost as Directory Manager,


prompt for the credentials, and retrieve the service search descriptor


from the profile LDIF file based on the service name passwd. It will then


open the template file with the editor defined by the environment


variable EDITOR and collect the input to pass it to ldapmodify to add the


new entry.


The Command


ldapentry -m "uid=UserA, ou=People,"


will try to bind to the directory on server myhost as Directory Manager,


prompt for the credentials, and use the entered DN to retrieve the entry


from the directory.


It will then populate a template with the retrieved information, and


collect the changes to pass to ldapmodify for execution.




Although the ldapentry tool will allow the users to modify any


information on the EDITOR window, the directory server has the final


decision on accepting the modification. If the user makes an invalid


LDIF syntax, violates the directory’s schema or does not have the


priviledge to perform the modificaiton, the ldapentry tool will report the


error after the EDITOR window is closed when it tries to update the


directory server with the information. The user will be given the option


to re-enter the EDITOR and correct the error.




You use the ldapsearch command-line utility to locate and retrieve LDAP directory entries. This utility opens a connection to the specified server using the specified distinguished name and password, and locates

Chapter 5