Command and Tool Reference

beq Search Tool

ldap_proxy_config -v

File Credentials verified - valid

The following example configures the proxy user as uid=proxyuser,ou=special users, with the password prox12pw and creates or updates the file /etc/opt/ldapux/pcred with this information:

ldap_proxy_config -d “uid=proxyuser,ou=special users,” -c prox12pw

The following example configures the proxy user with the contents of the file proxyfile and creates or updates the file /etc/opt/ldapux/pcred with this information:

ldap_proxy_config -f proxyfile

The file proxyfile must contain two lines: the proxy user DN on the first line and password on the second line.


beq Search Tool

The new beq tool expands the search capability beyond that currently offered by nsquery, which is limited to hosts, passwd, and group. This search utility bypasses the name service switch and queries the backend directly based on the specified library. The search will include the following services: pwd, grp, shd, srv, prt, rpc, hst, net, ngp, and grm.

HP does not support the beq tool at the present time.

The syntax for this tool, along with example output, is shown below.


beq -k [nd] -s <service> (-l <library>) (-h -H <#>) <idl> (id1> (<id2> (...))



k [nd]

Required. The search key may be either n for name


string or d for digit (a numeral search).


Chapter 5