•Sparse symmetric and structurally-symmetric linear equation solutions.
•Sparse symmetric ordinary and generalized eigensystem solutions.
•Out-of-core symmetric and structurally-symmetric linear equation and eigensystems solutions.
•Full METIS functionality
This implementation provides the METIS Version 4.0.1 library. It is based on the public-domain METIS, which was developed at the University of Minnesota, Department of Computer Science, and the Army HPC Research Center. The library contains a set of subroutines for graph partitioning, mesh partitioning, and sparse matrix reordering, as well as auxiliary routines. HP MLIB contains the full METIS functionality as that in the public domain METIS, however, the routine names are different. HP MLIB METIS routine names have been prepended with mlib_ to avoid name conflict on applications and libraries that contain their own local version of
For more information about METIS, please refer to: http://www-users.cs.umn.edu/~karpis/metis/metis/index.html
VMATH is a library of vector math routines corresponding to many of the widely used scalar math routines available with C, C++, and Fortran90.
VMATH is intended for computationally intensive mathematical applications amenable to a vector programming style.
VMATH provides two libraries: VMATH, whose interface uses 4-byte integers; and VMATH8, whose interface uses 8-byte integers and is otherwise equivalent to VMATH. VMATH routines come with both Fortran and C interfaces.
For more detailed information on VMATH as well as subprogram specifications, please refer to the VMATH chapter in Part 5 of this book. The VMATH man pages provide a man page for each subprogram.
xviiiHP MLIB VECLIB User’s Guide