The HP MLIB User’s Guide describes HP MLIB VECLIB in Part 1, HP MLIB LAPACK in Part 2, HP MLIB ScaLAPACK in Part 3, and HP MLIB Distributed SuperLU in Part 4.
To learn fundamental information necessary for using the VECLIB library, read Chapter 1 and the introductory sections of the other chapters. These sections of background information will help you efficiently use the library subprograms.
To learn more about the subject of any chapter, refer to the literature cited in the “Associated documentation” section of each chapter.
Part 1 of this document is organized as follows:
•Chapter 1 introduces general concepts about VECLIB
•Chapter 2 describes basic vector operations included in VECLIB
•Chapter 3 describes basic matrix operations included in VECLIB
•Chapter 4 describes sparse BLAS operations
•Chapter 5 describes the discrete Fourier transforms in VECLIB
•Chapter 6 describes subprograms to compute convolutions and correlations of data sets
•Chapter 7 describes miscellaneous subprograms to produce random numbers, sort the elements of a vector in ascending or descending order, measure time, allocate dynamic memory, and report errors
Part 2 of this document is organized as follows:
•Chapter 8 describes information specific to
•Chapter 9 describes selected LAPACK auxiliary subprograms Part 3 of this document is organized as follows:
•Chapter 10 describes ScaLAPACK functionality
Part 4 of this document is organized as follows:
•Chapter 11 describes Distributed SuperLU functionality Part 5 of this document is organized as follows:
•Chapter 12 describes VMATH functionality
xxHP MLIB VECLIB User’s Guide