What you need to know to use these subprograms
The next two letters in the naming convention indicate the form of the matrix, as presented in Table
XX | Form of Matrix |
GE | General |
GB | General band |
HE | Hermitian |
HB | Hermitian band |
HP | Hermitian packed |
SY | Symmetric |
SB | Symmetric band |
SP | Symmetric packed |
TR | Triangular |
TB | Triangular band |
TP | Triangular packed |
YY | Subroutine Computation |
MM | |
MV | |
R | |
R2 | |
RK | |
R2K | |
SM | Solve multiple systems of linear equations |
SV | Solve a system of linear equations |
For example, SGBMV multiplies a vector (MV) by a general band matrix (GB) using the single precision REAL data type (S). ZTRSM solves a system of linear equations with one triangular coefficient matrix and a matrix of
208HP MLIB User’s Guide