Hermitian |
| N | Number of elements of vector x. |
| ALPHA | REAL scalar ALPHA. |
| X | COMPLEX array, minimum length |
| (N - 1) x incx + 1. |
| INCX | Increment for the array x. A vector x having component |
| xi, i = 1,..., n, is stored in an array X() with increment |
| argument incx. If incx > 0 then xi is stored in |
| X (1 + (i - 1) x incx). If incx < 0 then xi is stored in |
| X (1 + (N - i) x incx). incx = 0 is an illegal value. |
| BETA | REAL scalar BETA. |
| AP | Complex array, dimension (LDA, N). Contains the |
| upper or lower triangle, as specified by uplo of an |
| |
| stored by columns in packed form. |
Output | AP | The upper or lower triangle of the updated A matrix, as |
| specified by uplo, replaces the input. |
| A ← αxx∗ + β A∗ with A=A∗ |
Chapter 3 Basic Matrix Operations 351