Triangular solve



Array whose upper or lower triangle, as specified by



uplo, contains the unit, non-unit, upper or lower



triangular matrix A. The matrix size is indicated by






BLAS_LEFT_SIDE A is an m-by-mmatrix



BLAS_RIGHT_SIDE A is an n-by-nmatrix



Leading dimension of array A.



For SIDE = BLAS_LEFT_SIDE, and lda < 1 or lda < m,



an error flag is set and passed to the error handler.



For SIDE = BLAS_RIGHT_SIDE, and lda < 1 or lda < n,



an error flag is set and passed to the error handler.



Array containing the m by n matrix B. The



representation of the matrix entry bi,j in B is denoted



by B(i, j) for all (i, j) in the interval



[0...m - 1] x [0...n - 1].



Leading dimension of array B.



For SIDE = BLAS_LEFT_SIDE, and ldb < 1 or ldb < m,



an error flag is set and passed to the error handler.



For SIDE = BLAS_LEFT_SIDE, and ldb < 1 or ldb < m,



an error flag is set and passed to the error handler.



The updated m-by-nmatrix replaces the input.

416HP MLIB User’s Guide