Roundoff effects
Currently, 8 MB*(the number of threads) should be sufficient for all MLIB subprograms. If your application launchs threads directly from pthread library calls, set the minimum allocated stack size to match HP MLIB needs on each new thread. Setting the stack size on
int stacksize = 8388608; (...)
pthread_attr_setstacksize(&thread_attr, stacksize);
pthread_create(&thread_id, &thread_attr, thread_func, &thread_parm);
Roundoff effects
VECLIB subprograms may use a different arithmetic order of evaluation than other implementations. Different roundoff characteristics may result. Accuracy of results is usually similar to other implementations, so using VECLIB should not affect the accumulation of roundoff errors in a complete application. If it does, examine the mathematical analysis of the problem to determine if it is
Data types and precision
In general, VECLIB provides the same range of functionality for both real and complex data. For most computations, there are matching subprograms for real and complex data, but there are a few exceptions.
For example, corresponding to the subprograms for real dot products, there are subprograms for complex dot products in both the conjugated and unconjugated forms because both types of complex dot products occur. However, there is no complex analogue of the subprograms for solving a real symmetric sparse linear system.
Chapter 1 Introduction to VECLIB 23