Matrix-vector multiply


Increment for the array x, incx ≠ 0:


incx > 0

x is stored forward in array x; that is,



xi is stored in x((i−1)⋅incx+1).


incx < 0

x is stored backward in array x; that



is, xi is stored in x((in)⋅incx+1).


Use incx = 1 if the vector x is stored contiguously in


array x, that is, if xi is stored in x(i). Refer to “BLAS


Indexing Conventions” in the introduction to


Chapter 2.



The scalar β.



Array of length leny = (n−1)⋅incy+1 containing the


n-vector y. Not used as input if beta = 0.

272HP MLIB User’s Guide