Rank-1 update






Upper/lower triangular option for A:



’L’ or ’l’

The lower triangle of A is stored in the




packed array.



’U’ or ’u’

The upper triangle of A is stored in




the packed array.



Number of rows and columns in matrix A and elements



of vector x, n ≥ 0. If n = 0, the subprograms do not



reference ap or x.



The scalar α. If alpha = 0, the subprograms do not



reference ap or x.



Array of length lenx = (n−1)⋅incx+1 containing the



n-vector x.




Increment for the array x, incx ≠ 0:



incx > 0

x is stored forward in array x; that is,




xi is stored in x((i−1)⋅incx+1).



incx < 0

x is stored backward in array x; that




is, xi is stored in x((in)⋅incx+1).



Use incx = 1 if the vector x is stored contiguously in



array x, that is, if xi is stored in x(i). Refer to “BLAS



Indexing Conventions” in the introduction to



Chapter 2.




Array of length lenap = n⋅(n+1)/2 containing the upper



or lower triangle, as specified by uplo, of an n-by-nreal



symmetric or complex Hermitian matrix A, stored by



columns in the packed form described above.



The upper or lower triangle of the updated A matrix, as



specified by uplo, replaces the input.

Chapter 3 Basic Matrix Operations 257