Accessing VECLIB

4.Set the LDOPTS environment variable to include:


For example:

setenv LDOPTS “–Bstatic,–L/opt/mlib/lib/pgi5.1/hpmpi_2.1/lib/64”

Then use the −lveclib option on the compiler command line that links your program:

pgf90 [options] file ... −lveclib mp

pgcc [options] file ... −lveclib mp lpgf90 lpgf90_rpml lpgf902 lpgf90rtl lpgftnrtl


An LDOPTS specification takes precedence over using -Wlon the


compiler command line. That is, if you use the LDOPTS environment


variable to specify a library path, you cannot override that specification


with a -Wloption on your compiler command line.



Problem with +ppu compatibility and duplicated symbols

All MLIB subprograms documented in the HP MLIB User’s Guide have two entry points: one is compatible with the Fortran compiler option +noppu (no postpend underbar) and the second is compatible with the Fortran compiler option +ppu (postpend underbar). For example, the MLIB BLAS error handler XERBLA has entry points xerbla and xerbla_. Table 1-1 shows the Fortran 90 compiler defaults.

Table 1-2

Compiler Defaults











32-bit Addressing

64-bit Addressing


























Different compiler defaults can cause duplicate symbol definitions at link time as the following examples illustrate.

PA-RISC processors

Suppose you write your own Fortran version of the XERBLA subroutine. You compile on PA-RISC with +DA2.0W and the compiler turns on +ppu (See Table 1-1), so your xerbla.o object file has an entry point xerbla_. However, the PA-RISC MLIB libraries were compiled with +noppu and the entry points with underbars were added as synonyms to the entry points without underbars. Hence, the various MLIB subprograms that call XERBLA reference them as xerbla (without the postpended underbar). Therefore, your xerbla_ does not satisfy their CALL XERBLA, so the linker accesses xerbla.o from the library.

14HP MLIB User’s Guide