Notational conventions

Notational conventions

The following conventions are used in this manual:


Italics within text indicate mathematical entities used or manipulated by the program: for example, solve the n-by-nsystem of linear equations Ax = b.

Italics within command lines indicate generic commands, file names, or subprogram names. Substitute actual commands, file names, or subprograms for the italicized words. For example, the command line

f90 prog_name.o

instructs you to type the command f90, followed by the name of a program or subprogram object file.


UPPERCASE BOLDFACE within text and in prototype Fortran statements indicates Fortran keywords and subprogram names that must be typed just as they appear. For example, CALL DAXPY.

lowercase boldface

lowercase boldface within text indicates Fortran generic variable or array names. You should substitute actual variable or array names. The italicized mathematical entities and the lowercase boldface variable and array names usually correspond. For example, A is a matrix and a is the Fortran array containing the matrix:

CALL DAXPY (n, a, x, incx, y, incy)

lowercase boldface within command lines indicates ASCII characters that must be typed just as they appear. For example, the command line

f90 prog_name.o

instructs you to type the command f90, followed by the name of a program or subprogram object file.

xxiiHP MLIB VECLIB User’s Guide