kl | The lower bandwidth of A, that is, the number of |
| nonzero diagonals below the principal diagonal in the |
| band, 0 ≤ kl < n. |
ku | The upper bandwidth of A, that is, the number of |
| nonzero diagonals above the principal diagonal in the |
| band, 0 ≤ ku < n. |
alpha | The scalar α. If alpha = 0, the subprograms compute |
| y ← βy without referencing ab or x. |
ab | Array containing the |
| compressed form described above. If aij is in the band, |
| it is stored in ab(ku+1+i−j,j). The columns of A are |
| stored in the columns of ab, and the diagonals of A are |
| stored in rows 1 through kl+ku+1. |
ldab | The leading dimension of array ab as declared in the |
| calling program unit, with ldab ≥ kl+ku+1. |
Chapter 3 Basic Matrix Operations 215